Q&A: Non-Torrefied Pellets vs Torrefied Pellets

Q1: What raw materials are used for Non-Torrefied and Torrefied Pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Raw materials include agricultural residues (like straw, husks, and stalks), forestry residues (like wood chips and sawdust), and energy crops (like switchgrass and miscanthus). SERVODAY manufactures and supplies biomass pellet plants that process these materials efficiently. Learn more.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Similar raw materials are used, but they undergo a torrefaction process, which involves heating biomass in the absence of oxygen. SERVODAY provides state-of-the-art torrefaction plants for this purpose. Learn more.

Q2: What are the primary applications of these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Mainly used for residential heating, commercial heating, and co-firing in coal power plants. SERVODAY's biomass pellet plants cater to these applications by producing high-quality pellets.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Primarily used for co-firing in coal power plants, industrial heating, and as a feedstock for bioenergy production due to their higher energy density. SERVODAY's torrefaction plants are designed to produce superior torrefied pellets.

Q3: How do the moisture contents compare?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Moisture content ranges from 10% to 15%.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Lower moisture content, typically between 1% and 5%, making them more energy-dense and easier to store.

Q4: What are the calorific values of each type of pellet?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Calorific value ranges from 17 to 19 MJ/kg (approximately 4,060 to 4,540 Kcal/kg).

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Higher calorific value, typically between 20 and 24 MJ/kg (approximately 4,780 to 5,730 Kcal/kg).

Q5: How are these pellets handled differently?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Require careful handling to avoid moisture absorption and degradation. SERVODAY ensures optimal production conditions to maintain pellet quality.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. More robust and hydrophobic, allowing for easier handling and storage without significant degradation. SERVODAY's torrefaction technology enhances these properties.

Q6: How do these pellets perform in co-firing with coal?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Can be used in co-firing with coal, but require modifications to existing systems due to differences in burning characteristics.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Better suited for co-firing with coal as they have similar properties to coal, reducing the need for extensive modifications. SERVODAY's torrefaction plants produce pellets that are ideal for co-firing applications.

Q7: How does weather affect these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Susceptible to moisture absorption and degradation in humid conditions.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. More resistant to weather effects due to their lower moisture content and hydrophobic nature.

Q8: What is the manufacturing process for these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Involves drying, grinding, and compressing raw biomass into pellets. SERVODAY's biomass pellet plants are designed to optimize this process. Learn more.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Includes an additional torrefaction step where biomass is heated to 200-300°C in the absence of oxygen before being pelletized. SERVODAY's torrefaction plants ensure efficient and high-quality production. Learn more.

Q9: What is the HGI Grindability Index for these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Generally have a lower HGI, making them harder to grind.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Higher HGI, similar to coal, making them easier to grind.

Q10: What are the storage conditions for these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Require dry conditions and protective coverings to prevent moisture absorption.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Can be stored in less controlled environments due to their hydrophobic properties.

Q11: How do the prices compare?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Generally cheaper to produce and purchase.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. More expensive due to the additional torrefaction process.

Q12: What are the overall benefits of each type of pellet?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Cost-effective and widely available. Suitable for residential and small-scale commercial use.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Higher energy density, better storage properties, and more suitable for industrial applications and co-firing with coal. SERVODAY's torrefaction technology maximizes these benefits.

Q13: Which type of boiler is best suited for each pellet type?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Suitable for pellet-specific boilers and modified coal boilers.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. More compatible with existing coal-fired boilers with minimal modifications.

Q14: In which industries are these pellets commonly used?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Used in residential heating, commercial heating, and small-scale industrial heating.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Used in large-scale industrial heating, power generation, and as a coal replacement in various industries.

Q15: How suitable are these pellets for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Suitable for small to medium-scale CHP systems.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. More suitable for large-scale CHP systems due to higher energy density and efficiency.

Q16: What are the detailed chemical and physical compositions of these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Higher moisture content, higher volatile matter, lower fixed carbon content.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Lower moisture content, lower volatile matter, higher fixed carbon content.

Q17: What are the pros and cons of each type of pellet?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Pros: Lower cost, easier to produce, widely available.
  2. Cons: Higher moisture content, less energy-dense, more challenging to store.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Pros: Higher energy density, better storage properties, similar to coal in handling and burning.
  2. Cons: Higher production cost, more complex manufacturing process.

Q18: What are the major differences in layman's terms?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Basic wood pellets, cheaper but less efficient and harder to store.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Advanced pellets, more expensive but more efficient, easier to store, and better for industrial use.

Q19: What are the mechanical properties of these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Lower density, more brittle, higher moisture absorption.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Higher density, more robust, lower moisture absorption.

Q20: What are the common parameters for comparison?

  1. Moisture Content: Non-Torrefied (10-15%), Torrefied (1-5%).
  2. Calorific Value: Non-Torrefied (17-19 MJ/kg or 4,060-4,540 Kcal/kg), Torrefied (20-24 MJ/kg or 4,780-5,730 Kcal/kg).
  3. Storage Requirements: Non-Torrefied (dry, covered), Torrefied (less stringent).
  4. Handling: Non-Torrefied (careful to avoid moisture), Torrefied (easier, more like coal).
  5. Price: Non-Torrefied (cheaper), Torrefied (more expensive).

Q21: What are the usage guidelines for these pellets?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Store in dry conditions, handle carefully to avoid moisture, use in appropriate pellet or modified coal boilers. SERVODAY provides tailored solutions for handling and usage.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Can be stored in less controlled environments, handle similarly to coal, use in industrial boilers and power plants with minimal modifications. SERVODAY's torrefaction plants produce pellets that meet these guidelines.

Q22: How can the differences be explained to a layman?

Non-Torrefied Pellets:

  1. Think of these as basic, standard wood pellets that are cheaper but need more care in storage and handling.

Torrefied Pellets:

  1. These are like high-tech, advanced wood pellets that cost more but are easier to store and use, and they pack more energy punch.


Choosing between non-torrefied and torrefied pellets depends on specific needs such as cost, storage, energy efficiency, and application. Non-torrefied pellets are suitable for smaller-scale use, while torrefied pellets are ideal for industrial applications and co-firing with coal, offering better performance and handling characteristics. SERVODAY offers comprehensive solutions for both types of pellets, ensuring optimal production and application. Learn more about biomass pellet plants and torrefaction plants from SERVODAY.