Understanding Rice Husk: How to Source and Purchase Effectively


Rice husk, also known as rice hull, is the protective outer layer of rice grains. Formed from hard materials such as silica and lignin, it safeguards the seed during its growing phase. For every kilogram of milled white rice, approximately 0.28 kg of rice husk is produced as a by-product. Given its abundance and various applications, understanding how to source and purchase rice husk effectively is crucial.

Availability of Rice Husk in India

The total production of rice during 2022-23 is estimated at a record 1357.55 lakh tonnes. This is higher by 62.84 lakh tonnes compared to the previous year's production of 1294.71 lakh tonnes and by 153.65 lakh tonnes compared to the last five years' average production of 1203.90 lakh tonnes.

Production Year

Total Production of Rice (lakh tonnes)

Availability of Rice Husk after Milling (lakh tonnes)



0.28 * 1357.55 = 379.21

Previous Year


0.28 * 1294.71 = 362.52

Last 5 Years Average


0.28 * 1203.90 = 337.71

In this table, the availability of rice husk after milling has been calculated assuming a milling ratio of 0.28 (which means 1 kg of milled white rice results in approximately 0.28 kg of rice husk).

Rice Husk as a By-product from the Rice Mill

Rice husk is generated during the rice milling process. It is separated from the rice grains as the outer layer, leaving behind the white rice. This by-product has significant potential for various applications, including energy production, building materials, and more.

What is Rice Husk?

Rice husk is the hard outer covering of rice grains. It is composed of silica, cellulose, and lignin. The high silica content makes it useful in industrial applications, while its organic components make it valuable as a biomass fuel.

Physical and Chemical Composition of Rice Husk

Rice husk is characterized by:

  1. Silica (SiO2): Approximately 15-20%
  2. Lignin: Around 25-30%
  3. Cellulose: About 35-40%
  4. Ash Content: Roughly 18%

Handling of Rice Husk by Rice Mills

Rice mills typically collect and store rice husk in large quantities. The handling process includes:

  1. Collection: Rice husk is separated from the grains during milling and collected in bulk.
  2. Storage: It is stored in silos or large storage areas to prevent moisture absorption and contamination.

Convenient Ways for Rice Mills to Handle Rice Husk

To manage rice husk efficiently, rice mills can:

  1. Use automated systems for collection and storage.
  2. Implement dust control measures to reduce airborne particles.
  3. Compress and store husk using balers to save space.

Preparing Rice Husk for Sale

Rice mills prepare rice husk for sale by:

  1. Ensuring it is dry and free from contaminants.
  2. Compressing it into bales for easier transportation and storage.
  3. Establishing agreements with buyers, such as biomass plants and construction material manufacturers.

Collection Window and Storage

The best time to collect rice husk is immediately after the milling process. Using a husk baler, mills can compress and store the husk efficiently, making it ready for sale or further processing.

Why Rice Husk is Ideal for Pellet Production

Rice husk is already sized and relatively dry, making it an excellent material for pellet production. Its consistent size and moisture content allow for immediate conversion into pellets, providing a high-quality biomass fuel.

Disadvantages of Rice Husk

One drawback of rice husk is its low melting point, which can cause clinker formation in boilers where it is used as fuel. Proper handling and combustion techniques are necessary to mitigate this issue.


Understanding the availability, composition, and handling of rice husk can significantly enhance its sourcing and purchasing processes. With the right knowledge and tools, rice husk can be effectively utilized for various applications, providing economic and environmental benefits.

SERVODAY Solutions

SERVODAY offers state-of-the-art technology for processing rice husk into pellets. Their efficient and high-quality equipment is designed to meet the needs of NTPC and other power plants. For more information, visit SERVODAY Turnkey Solutions.

Incentives by Government

The Central and State Governments provide various incentives for utilizing rice husk and related equipment. These incentives include subsidies for machinery, tax benefits, and grants for biomass energy projects. The exact figures and eligibility criteria vary by state and program, encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices.