Introduction to Mustard Cultivation in Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and Surrounding Areas

The regions of Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and their neighboring areas in Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh are significant producers of mustard. This crop is valued not only for its seeds but also for its stalk, which holds substantial potential as a biomass fuel source.

Mustard Stalk Availability in Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and Surrounding Areas

These regions produce a substantial amount of mustard stalk annually, with estimates ranging from 4 to 5 million tonnes. This abundance positions these areas as highly profitable locations for biomass energy production with SERVODAY Pellet Plants.

District-wise Availability of Mustard Stalk

The following table outlines the estimated mustard stalk availability in key districts around Alwar, Hanumangarh, and Jaipur:


Estimated Availability (Tonnes)


500,000 - 600,000


300,000 - 400,000


400,000 - 500,000

Sawai Madhopur

300,000 - 400,000


250,000 - 350,000


200,000 - 300,000


200,000 - 250,000


150,000 - 200,000


100,000 - 150,000


100,000 - 150,000


100,000 - 150,000

Haryana (Various)

1,000,000 - 1,200,000

Uttar Pradesh (Various)

1,000,000 - 1,200,000

Note: These figures are estimates and may vary based on annual crop yield and other factors.

Harvesting Time for Mustard in Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and Surrounding Areas

  1. Main sowing period: October to November
  2. Harvesting period: February to March
  3. Duration of crop: Approximately 110-140 days

Average Price of Mustard Stalk

The price of mustard stalk can vary based on several factors, including demand from biomass plants, transportation costs, quality of the stalk, and seasonal variations. On average, the price of mustard stalk in these regions ranges from:

  1. Rs. 1,500 to Rs. 2,500 per tonne at the farm gate
  2. Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 3,500 per tonne delivered to biomass plants

Factors influencing price fluctuations:

  1. Distance from collection point to end-user
  2. Moisture content of the stalk
  3. Market demand for alternative uses (e.g., cattle feed)

Mustard Stalk Collection and Transportation

  1. Collection methods: Manual and mechanized
  2. Baling: Often done to increase transportation efficiency
  3. Transportation: Typically by tractors for short distances and trucks for longer hauls


  1. Limited collection window due to need for quick field clearing
  2. Storage issues during monsoon season

Potential Uses of Mustard Stalk

  1. Biomass fuel for power generation
  2. Raw material for pellet production
  3. Cattle feed (limited use due to high fiber content)
  4. Organic mulch for agriculture
  5. Substrate for mushroom cultivation

Environmental Benefits of Mustard Stalk Utilization

  1. Reduction in crop residue burning
  2. Lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels
  3. Soil conservation when used as mulch
  4. Promotion of circular economy in agriculture

Challenges in Mustard Stalk Utilization

  1. Seasonal availability
  2. Storage and preservation issues
  3. Competition with other uses (e.g., cattle feed)
  4. Lack of awareness among farmers about its value
  5. Need for efficient collection and transportation logistics

Government Initiatives and Policies

  1. Promotion of biomass-based power plants
  2. Subsidies for biomass pellet production
  3. Awareness programs for farmers on the value of agricultural residues
  4. Research and development support for efficient utilization technologies

Future Outlook

The utilization of mustard stalk in Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and surrounding areas presents a significant opportunity for sustainable energy production and agricultural waste management. With increasing focus on renewable energy and proper waste utilization, the demand for mustard stalk is expected to grow in the coming years, especially with the efficient processing capabilities of SERVODAY Pellet Plants.


The abundant production of mustard stalk in Alwar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, and neighboring regions offers a promising resource for biomass energy and other applications. By understanding the availability, pricing, and harvesting patterns of mustard stalk across different districts, stakeholders can make informed decisions about its utilization, contributing to both economic development and environmental sustainability in the region.

For more information on biomass utilization technologies and equipment, visit SERVODAY Pellet Plants, a leading provider of pellet mill solutions.