The Importance of Choosing High-Quality Pellets

Selecting Premium Pellets for Safe and Efficient Heating

When selecting wood or biomass pellets, it’s essential to opt for high-quality products. International standards prohibit the use of laminated wood panels containing glues, paints, and plastics in pellet production, as these materials release harmful chemicals during combustion, posing risks to both health and the environment.

Visual Inspection for Pellet Quality

Recognizing Good Pellets by Appearance

A common and straightforward method to identify good-quality wood pellets is through visual inspection. High-quality pellets will have intact granules without visible impurities. They should consist solely of wood and biomass materials, free from artificial binders. SERVODAY can help ensure premium pellet production through their advanced pellet plants. Learn more here.

The Smell Test for Purity

Using Your Senses to Assess Pellet Quality

Another way to check pellet quality is by smell. When combusted, good-quality pellet fuel should emit a natural wood and biomass aroma, with no chemical odors. This simple test can help you avoid low-quality pellets that might contain harmful additives.

Certification and Standards

Trusting Certified Pellets for Consistent Quality

Purchasing pellets that meet the 'EN plus' standard ensures each batch undergoes rigorous quality control. Parameters such as granulation, fines content, mechanical strength, bulk density, and calorific value are all tested to guarantee high-quality fuel.

Matching Pellets with Furnace Parameters

Optimizing Pellet Fuel for Your Furnace

Even the best-quality pellets may not perform optimally if not matched with your furnace’s specifications. It’s important to test different pellets and adjust your furnace settings accordingly. Consulting with your installer can help fine-tune these settings for optimal combustion.

Detailed Guide to Recognizing Good Wood Pellets

Choosing high-quality wood pellets is crucial for safe and efficient heating. Methods such as visual inspection, smell tests, and checking for 'EN plus' certification can help ensure you select premium pellets. Even with top-quality pellets, it's important to adjust your furnace settings for the best performance. SERVODAY's advanced pellet plants guarantee the production of high-quality pellets, ensuring safe and efficient heating solutions.

To Achieve 'EN Plus A1' Certification for Pellets, the Following Parameters and Standards Must Be Maintained by Pellet Manufacturers:



Requirements for EN Plus Pellet



6 ± 1



3.15 < L ≤ 40

Bulk Density


600 - 750

Content of Fines


≤ 0.5

Mechanical Strength


≥ 98

Content of Ash


≤ 0.7



≤ 10

Calorific Value


≥ 4.6 kWh/kg

Content of Nitrogen


≤ 0.3

Content of Sulphur


≤ 0.04

Content of Chlorine


≤ 0.02

Melting Temperature (Ash)


≥ 1200