Storage Challenges: Coal vs. Pellets

Coal Fuel Storage Issues

When purchasing coal fuel in bulk, there's often uncertainty about whether you receive the full amount you paid for. This lack of precision can be problematic for budgeting and planning.

Pellet Fuel Storage Advantages

In contrast, pellet fuel offers transparency in storage. Pellets are packed in 15-kg bags and stored on pallets, with each pallet accommodating 70 bags, totaling 1050 kg. This clear and consistent packaging makes it easy to calculate and manage your fuel supply.

Understanding Moisture Content in Fuels

Coal Fuel Moisture Concerns

Coal fuel typically has a declared moisture content of around 12%. However, when stored outdoors, coal can absorb additional moisture, increasing its weight and potentially reducing its energy efficiency.

Controlled Moisture in Pellets

Pellet fuel, on the other hand, has its moisture content clearly specified on each bag, consistently kept below 10% through rigorous quality control. This ensures reliable performance and efficiency.

Boiler-Room Requirements for Coal and Pellets

Coal Boiler-Room Challenges

A coal boiler-room must be specially prepared with adequate ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide hazards. These spaces often become dirty and filled with soot, requiring regular maintenance.

Clean and Safe Pellet Boiler-Rooms

Pellet boiler-rooms remain clean and free of dust and soot. Modern pellet stoves are exceptionally safe, featuring a forced exhaust discharge system that allows for installation in various locations, including bedrooms, without the need for direct chimney access.

Ash Production and Disposal

Ash from Coal Fuel

Burning one ton of coal fuel generates approximately 100 kg of ash. This means that out of the ton purchased, only 900 kg is usable fuel, with the remaining ash requiring disposal, adding to the overall cost.

Pellet Ash: A Garden Asset

In contrast, burning one ton of pellet fuel results in just 5 kg of ash. This small amount of ash is not only minimal but also serves as a valuable horticultural fertilizer, making it a beneficial byproduct rather than a waste.

Health and Environmental Impact

Health Risks of Coal Combustion

Burning coal fuel releases harmful substances, including carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene, into the atmosphere. These pollutants pose health risks to you, your family, and your neighbors.

Eco-Friendly Pellet Combustion

Pellet fuel combustion is much cleaner, releasing only carbon dioxide. This emission is balanced by the oxygen produced during the tree's growth through photosynthesis, making it a carbon-neutral process.

Achieving High-Quality Pellets with SERVODAY

SERVODAY's Advanced Pellet Plant Solutions

To ensure the production of high-quality wood and biomass pellets, SERVODAY offers state-of-the-art pellet plants. These advanced solutions guarantee consistent pellet quality, providing an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to coal fuel. Learn more about SERVODAY’s turnkey solutions here.

In-Depth Comparison: Coal vs. Pellet Fuel

Choosing between coal and pellet fuels involves considering factors like storage, moisture content, boiler-room requirements, ash production, and environmental impact. While coal fuel may seem cost-effective, pellet fuel offers greater transparency, cleaner combustion, and environmental benefits. SERVODAY’s advanced pellet plant solutions enhance the quality and efficiency of pellet fuel, making it a superior choice for heating needs.