Punjab State Power Corporation Limited

Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Plant, Roopnagar

Notice Inviting Tender through E-Tendering Format

Tender Type: Open Tender (e-Tendering)

Tender Category: Short Term

Department: GGSSTP, Roopnagar

Tender Specification Number: 7603/P-1/EMP-12788 dated 22.08.24

Issuing Authority: Chief Engineer, GGSSTP, Roopnagar

Tender Office Address:

Chief Engineer / GGSSTP

Procurement Cell No.-1

VPO Ghanauli, Roopnagar – 140113, Punjab

Phone: 01881-275289

Short Description:

Procurement of agro residue-based non-torrefied pellets for co-firing in PSPCL thermal power plants. Details are specified in Annexure-A.

Tender Publication:

The tender will be advertised in newspapers such as Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Tribune, National Herald, and Times of India. Tender specifications can be downloaded from the PSPCL e-tendering website. No hard copies will be issued.

Eligibility Criteria:

As specified in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT).

Important Dates:

  1. Start Date for Downloading Documents: 22.08.24
  2. Last Date for Downloading Documents: 06.09.24 by 10:00 A.M.
  3. Last Date for Bid Submission (Parts I, II, & III): 06.09.24 by 10:00 A.M.
  4. Bid Opening Date (Parts I & II): 09.09.24 at 11:30 A.M.
  5. Price Bid Opening Date (Part III): To be announced after the finalization of Parts I & II.

EMD (Earnest Money Deposit):

₹20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only). No exemptions allowed unless specifically mentioned in the DNIT.

Bid Processing Fees:

Applicable bid processing fees should be directly deposited on the e-tendering portal.